
I Miss You Already: Soap & Glory

I Miss You Already is a new series I'm writing where I catalogue all of the things I'll miss when I leave the UK.

soap & glory

In the past few month's I've been hearing a great deal about the brand Soap & Glory, and had even glanced it down the aisles of Boots from time to time. Why it never caught my attention until about a week ago, I have no idea. First off, Soap & Glory's packaging is simply phenomenal! It puts you in mind of a simpler time, with flashing titles and pin up girls. Almost puts me in mind of Benefit's presentation. 

It's simplistic, yet with its' bright colors, bold text, and nostalgic black & white photographs, it does not lend for sore eyes in any boudoir! On that alone, I wanted to purchase everything. 

Unfortunately the only product I've tried of theirs is Hand Food (£3.23), as I have been combing the shelves for a good hand cream. Ladies (and Gents), this hand cream can give any luxury brand a run for their money. The fragrance is simply lovely, and it does its' job to make your hands sumptuously soft! My friend and I were like women locked in a Sephora with a £1000 gift card for a second. We smelled the various Body Butters and body scrubs, and really the fragrance is wonderful! The Breakfast Scrub (£6.30) pulled me from the title alone, but it seriously smells like oatmeal. Of course this wouldn't appeal to everyone, but it seems like a calming scent for a spring morning! I seem to be more partial to the Flake Away Scrub (£4.43), awesome fragrance, and has been noted for being the best for shaved legs...leaving them extremely soft!

Of course since I haven't tried them all, I can't say, with certainty, that this product is as awesome as it seems. But I can say that I'm willing to give them a try! Not to mention, if you go to their website, or the Boots website, most of the Body Butters/Cremes or Bath/Shower Gels receive rave reviews for at least 3 pages or more. It seems Soap & Glory has managed to create a drug store line which seems more like a luxury brand, or at least a product that feels like a luxurious treat! They also carry Shampoos, Facial Cleansers, and  Makeup! Prices normally start around £2 if you wish to buy the travel sized products. 

You guys might have seen this brand in Target. They may still be sold there, although I've checked and it stated that they had pulled out of the States. But not to worry, it seems they are preparing to come back this September! I couldn't be more thrilled about that! Visit their website to start prepping for September!

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