
Artists' Prayer

It has often been quite a challenge for me to unite my artistic desires with my spiritual ones, but God exposes every lie that I have placed in the forefront of my mind. Sometimes, it's easy to feel as if these desires, talents, or gifts, have been conceived and created by simply willing it to be so. Yet the truth is that the Lord has blessed us with every single awesome thing that we love in our lives. It's such a blessing to be an artist, to be able to create, because God, Himself, invented the act of creating. I give thanks, everyday, for being able to have a creative, whimsical life. However, even in it's great beauty, it's important not to worship creation. I'm the kind of person where once I've discovered a passion for something, I allow it to consume, and take up all of my time. I'm sure we all know the feeling of being completely taken by something. However, I thank God, that He often reminds me that I must take a break, and enter His presence in order to be refreshed; To turn my attention to the One who can enrich my life, and my gift, more effectively than all my years of cultivation. 

Last week, as I was praying, I felt led to write up my very own artists' prayer; instead of placing myself as the head of my desires, I give honor to the only One who could've dreamed up such glorious beauty in the first place. The Lord has planned such a wonderful future for you, all you have to do is trust Him, and jump right on in, hand in His. The Bible says to seek Him first, and everything else will be provided for (Matthew 6:33). We literally cannot conceive all of the wonderful things He has in store for us. So this week, I challenge you to make seeking Him your first priority, and trust that He's got everything, including your dreams, under control. I pray that this encourages you!


  1. This is a beautiful post, Britta! I love the prayer you created. And I completely agree, it's easy to be consumed by our artistic passions. I think that's why so many artists have led tragic lives, because they couldn't find a balance or anything (like faith) that was strong enough to counteract the emotions they would get from creating. If that makes any sense at all.

    Thank you for this, dear! xo

  2. Hi, what a beautiful prayer and an inspiring post! You seem to know how to put things in perspective which can be a little difficult sometimes. I think the part "I return these gifts back to you" was so nicely put. God gives us many things, we should also give Him something back. Thanks for sharing!


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