I've just discovered this wonderful analog device that I couldn't stop myself from posting. Lomography brings us the best in analog photography/cameras that allow us to recapture the nostalgia of past photography. Clouded, dreamy, lovely photographs ala The Virgin Suicides film. I never thought it could get any better than capturing my moments in photography, but I was totally wrong. The LomoKino allows for mini films fused into 35mm film. Can you imagine, your own beautiful 'silent' films of moments you want to live on forever? Think of how your outfit posts would take on an ethereal quality, your walks to the park, that bookstore tucked into a side street...Check out these beautiful mini films:
I'm in awe of this camera, and I pray that I'll be able to purchase one this Christmas! The LomoKino retails for $79 and this bundled with the LomoKinoscope, which allows you to view your analog movies, retails for $99. For Lomography, thats pretty affordable!
Ohh, I want one so badly! <3 I love the crazy colours!
Lost in the Haze: Fashion Blog