
Forelsket Presents: Novel Days Blogging Event


About a month ago, I was privileged to participate in the Show Me Your Buns Blogging event hosted by Stephanie of The Loudmouth Lifestyle. It was my first event, and I had so much fun that I thought I would try my hand at it. These events are a wonderful way to get to know other bloggers, and to discover hidden gems within the community! 

I've been in a huge literary mood lately, and I thought it would be fantastic to get the community talking about their favorite books! Hence, Novel Days!

Here are the rules:

  • All participants must submit a photograph showcasing your favorite or recent read. Get creative! Kindles/E-Readers are acceptable! (Though the event's called Novel Days, it can be on any book you like!)
  • You must also submit a little blurb, no longer than a paragraph, stating why the book inspires you and your blog information! Be as creative with this as you'd like. Does it have that awesome Eau de Novel? Has this novel/author intrigued you from a young age or recently grabbed you? Did you buy it from an obscure indie bookshop? Has the love of your life written love letters to you in the margins? Do you purposely weather your paperbacks (**looks over shoulder**, I do)? Do you have special anniversary readings of it?...
  • Deadline: July 1, 2011- Email me!
See, nothing intense, just lovely literary frivolity! 

Everyone's invited to participate, and please feel free to invite your friends! It puts a smile on my face to see others as excited about books as I am!

Keep On Dreaming!

Source: We Heart It


  1. I'm probably going to re-think this 1,000 times! But I'm excited....now what to do...

  2. Sounds like fun! I definitely know what book I'm going to choose!

  3. Very excited for this! Now I just need to find my creativity. It's here somewhere!


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