
Six Novels in my Purse...

So to be able to fit six novels in your purse, its not much of a purse as it may be a potato sack!
Here are my current novel picks. For now, at least. Tomorrow, more may come...


I really don't understand what it is about this novel that draws me so.
It's the way each word flows together.
The way that Duroy is incredibly sympathetic, and even though his method of getting ahead is wrong
you still feel for him a bit.
Either way, lovely novel :-) so far.


Last weekend, Pride and Prejudice, with Keira Knightley came on television.
I'm not the biggest fan of hers, so I've never really watched the movie. 
But the one scene, where Darcy admits his love for her, and she shuns him, stuck with me.
Literally, by the end of the scene, I had to shut my mouth!
the scene was well done.

That alone prompted me to buy this novel. Being an English Major
and Jane Austen fan, I should've already read this. 
But oh well. 
I'm on chapter three, and I really hate Darcy so far
but a friend told me to keep reading, so...


The novel I'm writing is about music, and one of the main character's names is Allie.
Coincidentally, it is the same for this novel. I take it as more of a confirmation I should finish writing mine, thankfully a completely different musical story!
I'm still in the first chapter, but it's a very interesting read. 
Reading about a young girl who has more of an appreciation for vinyl records than mp3's is refreshing in this day and age. There is a music all its own that infuses the book from the start. I love that it is in many ways a call to bring back music that actually means something. It's a lot like a bibliophile's plea to keep printing physical books, instead of letting it fade to a Kindle.
It certainly brought me back to a time when we bought cd's from record stores, and we scheduled trips when albums were released.  Not to mention, because my novel is about music, I'm using this novel as a bit of a trainer for all those great classic artists that I may not know! To create believable musicians, you have to know facts on other wonderful artists who paved the way!

The novel in its physicalness is lovely, its jacket sparkly, and fits perfectly in my hands. 
I know, I'm weird, but I do consider these things!


Why do I have this novel?
I think you know... It's Rob's next film!
I remember when it first came out.
It seemed interesting but I never got around to it,
now, because of Rob, I've made time.
Vintage circus tales are interesting.


I'm going to review this in the very near future.
It's haunting, grabs you from the first word. Intriguing.
A believable dark romance, after Edward and Bella.
Great for fans of Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick.


This book I found on a Valentine's Day table at the Strand.
I thought I'd give it a try. This author says some interesting things about love.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this list! I've been trying to find good books to read. The only one I've read on this list is Pride and Prejudice.


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