
DreamCatcher 2012: Gabrielle Golobe a.k.a Miss Kismet

For the month of February, I'm thrilled to kick off DreamCatcher 2012 with a Q&A from one of my dearest friends. I've been privileged to observe her journey towards creating her wonderful shop, and blog, Miss Kismet. I couldn't wait to record a piece of her journey for you all to be inspired to go after your own.


Name: Gabrielle Golobe
Vocation (s): Entrepreneur | Photographer | Writer

In you own words, I am a DreamCatcher because: ...I am actively realizing my dreams everyday. I don't say pursuing because that can imply that I'm trying, when I'm doing. My dreams may not be that big, but I am chasing them.

Tell us a bit about your journey towards becoming Miss Kismet: It's so hard to put into words the long journey that is still far from over. Miss Kismet is more than the name of my little business, it's the embodiment of an idea. And that idea is my personal goal to stay true to myself while keeping my dream of working for myself intact. As you know, I opened up shop on Etsy under the name Cinderbella's a little over a year ago, and that jump I took--into something I knew very little about--empowered me. I was at a place in my life where I was lacking confidence and direction. I believe that stemmed from the fact that I wasn't actively chasing any dream I had, and thus I felt like something was missing. Now, that void has been filled.

What draws you to entrepreneurship via jewelry making and photography? Simply put: the need to create. I am first and foremost a girly girl. I love to dress up and I have always worn jewelry, almost 24/7. I used to dream of being a fashion designer, but I quickly found out that I wasn't that great at sewing (I still can't write in a straight line on unlined paper), and that I wasn't built to work for others. Not long before starting my shop I discovered photography, and it's actually in my blood. My mother is a phenomenal photographer, but unlike her, my eye is drawn toward nature. I used to ignore it a lot of times, now I appreciate all the beauty that can be found that's not manmade. Stepping into the roles of photographer and jewelry designer are now just a natural part of my life. It was always there, I just had to find it.

What are the challenges, and better, the rewards of deciding to spearhead your own future by opening your own Etsy/Standalone Shop? The challenges are first taking the leap to open and embark on this new adventure. When you're doing it alone it's up to you to make sure that package goes out, that email is answered, and that customer is happy. I, of course, have the support of my family, but Miss Kismet is a one girl show consisting of me. I am the designer, photographer, editor, shipper, packer, writer, customer service, etc. But with all of that the rewards far outweigh any stress that can occur. I love hearing from a first time, or third time customer, that they love the item they purchased from me and that they'll be returning. It puts a smile on my face, and is the mojo that keeps me going.


Do you have any advice for future shop owners? Don't be afraid. Fear is the enemy of the creative. Fear is the enemy of any dream. Don't get caught up trying to compare your business with others. Each person is unique, and therefore your products, image, strategy and goals are going to be different as well. Have fun in the discovery and enjoy the journey.

What are some of your other aspirations, and what steps do you take towards making your dreams a reality? I love to write! I have been writing since I was in high school, and my dream is to one day soon have a published novel. Whether it's published by a high class agency or by myself doesn't matter. I want to see my name in print, not in lights, and I know that one day it will be. With that in mind, I write whenever I can. And my goal for this year is to write when I feel the need to, not to force it. I'm all about organic creativity. You can't force what's real and there.

How do you overcome moments of doubt? It's hard, but I remind myself, though the steps I take may be small, I have taken steps toward my dreams not away. So why stop now, I ask myself. I also look through the emails, feedback and messages I've received from past customers and friends. The encouragement that I get from family as well as my trust in God are the beacons that lead me out of that place of doubt. Creating is a part of me, I can't stop, so why doubt?

Give us your DreamCatcher Cheer: No matter how big or small, no matter how long you've been at it, proclaim your victories and share your dreams.

Thank you so much, Gabrielle, for sharing your phenomenal journey with us! Want to see what Miss Kismet is up to? Visit her blog for perpetual inspiration, and stop by her shop for endless loveliness! Remember, it only takes a small step in the direction of your dreams to start the process! Get that pen out, purchase your supplies, record your own voice, upload your own photograph...you're halfway there! 

 The next installment of DreamCatcher2012 goes live on March 1st. STAY TUNED...


  1. As I said on Twitter, thank you so much! I feel slightly embarrassed for some reason. Maybe because this is the most I've talked about myself and my journey into the land of my small business online before. This is going on my Press page on my blog! Thanks again so much, Britta!! xx

  2. What a lovely feature! Gabbie's such an inspiration with the way she lives her dreams and just creates, always creates. A perfect way to kick off your DreamCatcher series, B!

  3. I so enjoyed reading through all your answers and inspirations, Gabbie!


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